Saturday 3 January 2015

School life in North American nation

School life in North American:

The United State  Of America  is Highly Developed Country. There is Literacy rate is 99% of male and Female. The Government of USA providing free education for Primary Education . The environments of USA school is very Organized. In the age of four children starting to going to schools. At the age of sis children get admissions in the schools or enrolled in schools. In the America the Schools start from August to June This is one year period in the USA. The Primary School education start with the Reading , Writing and Numbing.
In the USA all Public and Private Schools Are highly Developed. All Education Centers like Schools, Colleges and Universities are Under the Controlled By Government of USA. According to USA Government the Schools are very important because in the Schools the Children grew they Start their studies so the all schools life should be maintained. They Provide the Facilities in the School like Free Education, Books, and good School Building and Good facilitate of Hostel for the other villages or cities. 
In The USA there are More then 1910, 72 Private and Public school. the Government of USA Providing the Free Education to the all Students


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