Sunday 5 April 2020

Prenant l'exemple, certains politiciens exhortent les résidents à porter des masques faciaux

Prenant l'exemple, certains politiciens exhortent les résidents à porter des masques faciaux
À travers le pays, les politiciens d'État et locaux ont commencé à porter des équipements de protection, contrairement au président Trump, qui a déclaré qu'il ne suivrait pas le C.D.C. orientation.
Maintenant que les Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ont encouragé les Américains à porter des masques lorsqu'ils s'aventurent à l'extérieur, davantage de politiciens d'État et locaux ont commencé à porter eux-mêmes l'équipement de protection, contrairement au président Trump, qui affirme que les masques ne sont pas son style.

Les politiciens montrent leurs masques dans des selfies, sur des joggings ou lors de réunions de ville, parfois comme un effort explicite pour montrer l'exemple - et parfois simplement pour rester à l'abri du coronavirus et protéger les autres. Dans certaines villes, les résidents doivent se couvrir le visage lorsqu'ils quittent leur domicile.

Le gouverneur Jared Polis du Colorado a attaché un morceau de tissu coloré sur son visage arborant le logo de la marque d'État «C», et a encouragé les résidents à faire de même.

SOUVENIRS ESPAGNOLS DE LA GRIPPE Les histoires orales racontent les histoires de «garages remplis de cercueils».
"Cela va vraiment être, dans un avenir prévisible, une partie importante de notre culture au Colorado", a déclaré M. Polis, un démocrate.
En Pennsylvanie, le lieutenant-gouverneur John Fetterman, un démocrate, a publié une photo de lui-même sur Twitter avec un morceau de tissu gris effiloché enroulé autour de son visage, et s'est demandé si cela ferait fuir ses camarades de jogging.

Les efforts se heurtent aux commentaires de M. Trump, qui a souligné vendredi que le C.D.C. la recommandation de porter des masques en tissu était volontaire et qu'il n'avait pas l'intention de suivre.

"D'une manière ou d'une autre, assis dans le bureau ovale derrière ce beau bureau Resolute - le grand bureau Resolute - je pense que porter un masque pour saluer les présidents, les premiers ministres, les dictateurs, les rois, les reines, je ne sais pas", a-t-il déclaré. "D'une certaine manière, je ne le vois pas par moi-même. Je ne le fais pas. "

Bien que les directives fédérales ne soient qu'une recommandation, certaines municipalités vont encore plus loin en obligeant les résidents à se couvrir le visage lorsqu'ils sont en déplacement.

Le conseil municipal de Lancaster, en Californie, au nord de Los Angeles, a exigé vendredi que les résidents portent des masques, des écharpes ou d'autres couvertures lorsqu'ils fréquentent ou travaillent dans des entreprises essentielles qui restent ouvertes, selon The Antelope Valley Press.

"Nous commencerons à émettre des contraventions pour les délits si cela se résume à cela", a déclaré le maire R. Rex Parris, un républicain, selon le journal local. «Nous n'allons permettre à personne dans notre ville de mettre en danger la vie de nos familles qui travaillent dur. Et quiconque ne porte pas de masque, c'est précisément ce que vous faites. "

PHILADELPHIE ESPAGNOL FLUTE La grippe qui a coûté la vie à 20 000 personnes dans la ville n'a pas été oubliée.
À Laredo, au Texas, le conseil municipal a adopté une ordonnance qui oblige toute personne qui entre dans un bâtiment qui n'est pas sa maison ou un bus à se couvrir la bouche et le nez, selon le Laredo Morning Times. S'ils refusent, ils pourraient être condamnés à une amende pouvant atteindre 1 000 $.

"Je préfère les enterrer dans la dette que les enterrer dans un cercueil", a déclaré le conseiller George Altgelt en réponse aux inquiétudes que l'amende était trop sévère, a rapporté le journal.

Même dans les villes où la recommandation n'est encore que - une recommandation - de nombreux politiciens locaux mettent leur propre équipement pour encourager la pratique.
Mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles donned an all-black mask at a news conference this week, saying, “This will be the look.”

À Los Angeles, le maire Eric Garcetti a apporté un masque tout noir à une conférence de presse cette semaine, le tirant trop haut - couvrant brièvement ses yeux - avant de triompher pour que les sangles restent sur ses oreilles.

"Excusez-moi," dit-il, sa voix étouffée par le masque. "Ce sera le look."

24 HEURES EN NOUVELLE AMÉRIQUE Plus de 24 heures à travers l'Amérique, c'est ce que nous avons vu.
Svante Myrick, le maire démocrate d'Ithaca, New York, a déclaré qu'il avait fouillé dans un tiroir pour récupérer un masque sur le thème du drapeau américain que sa mère lui avait acheté il y a des mois.

"Je pensais qu'elle réagissait de manière excessive", a-t-il écrit aux côtés d'un selfie depuis le toit de l'hôtel de ville. C'était un autre exemple, a-t-il dit, de la raison pour laquelle «nous devrions toujours écouter les mères».

Julie Bosman et Campbell Robertson ont contribué au reportage.

Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs rapporte des nouvelles nationales. Il vient du nord de l'État de New York et a déjà été signalé à Baltimore, Albany et Isla Vista, Californie.

Saturday 4 April 2020

Mises à jour en direct sur le coronavirus: Trump met en garde contre «beaucoup de morts» et de nouveaux points chauds de virus

Mises à jour en direct sur le coronavirus: Trump met en garde contre «beaucoup de morts» et de nouveaux points chauds de virus
Le président est passé de sombres avertissements à des assurances sans fondement lors d'une seule conférence de presse alors qu'il prédisait un nombre croissant de morts dans ce qui pourrait être «la semaine la plus difficile» de la pandémie de coronavirus.

Le président Trump a averti que de nouveaux points chauds émergeaient en Pennsylvanie, au Colorado et à Washington, D.C.
新 冠 病毒 疫情 最新 消息

Voici ce que vous devez savoir:
Le président Trump passe de prédire «beaucoup de morts» à revisiter les services de Pâques.
Les États-Unis vont stocker de grandes quantités d'un médicament antipaludéen, a déclaré le président, bien que la preuve qu'il puisse traiter le coronavirus est rare.
Le coronavirus a matraqué un hôpital de Brooklyn et ses patients.
Plus d'un million d'étudiants chinois sont bloqués à l'étranger.
24 heures en Amérique pandémique
Les médecins du Congrès font pression pour une réponse plus agressive contre les coronavirus.

Le président Trump passe de prédire «beaucoup de morts» à revisiter les services de Pâques.
Passant de sombres avertissements à des assurances sans fondement lors d'une seule conférence de presse, le président Trump a prédit samedi un nombre croissant de morts dans ce qui pourrait être "la semaine la plus difficile" de la pandémie de coronavirus avant de fournir également des conseils médicaux non prouvés. Il a de nouveau suggéré que les Américains pourraient se rassembler pour les services du dimanche de Pâques.

"Il y aura beaucoup de morts", a déclaré M. Trump à la Maison Blanche, où lui et d'autres responsables américains ont décrit certaines parties des États-Unis comme montant vers les sommets de leurs crises, tout en avertissant que de nouveaux points chauds émergeaient dans Pennsylvanie, Colorado et Washington, DC


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À un moment donné, M. Trump, qui avait initialement fixé le dimanche de Pâques comme date cible pour la réouverture du pays avant de reculer, a déclaré que la fête serait un jour particulièrement «triste» pour les Américains interdits de rassembler en grand nombre. Il a dit qu'il aimerait à nouveau envisager d'assouplir les règles de distanciation sociale pour les services de Pâques et qu'il avait dit aux conseillers: "Peut-être que nous pourrions autoriser des rassemblements spéciaux pour les églises" qui pourraient être à l'extérieur avec une "grande séparation"

"C'est quelque chose dont nous devrions parler", a-t-il ajouté, mais il n'a annoncé aucun changement aux recommandations fédérales existantes. "Mais quelqu'un a dit cela, eh bien, vous vous ouvrez en quelque sorte à ce petit, vous savez, voulons-nous prendre une chance de le faire quand nous nous en sortons si bien?"

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Plus de 8 000 personnes sont mortes à ce jour aux États-Unis, mais la Maison Blanche a déclaré que ses projections montrent qu'au moins 100 000 personnes pourraient mourir à cause du virus.

«Les deux prochaines semaines sont extrêmement importantes», a déclaré la Dre Deborah Birx, coordinatrice de la réponse aux coronavirus à la Maison Blanche. «C'est le moment de ne pas aller à l'épicerie, pas à la pharmacie, mais de faire tout ce que vous pouvez pour garder votre famille et vos amis en sécurité et cela signifie que tout le monde fait la distance de six pieds, se lave les mains.»

Le Dr Birx a également déclaré que Detroit, New York et la Louisiane - les points chauds actuels - atteindraient probablement un pic dans les six à sept prochains jours, citant les prédictions de l'Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.
Les États-Unis vont stocker de grandes quantités d'un médicament antipaludéen, a déclaré le président, bien que la preuve qu'il puisse traiter le coronavirus est rare.
Le président Trump a semblé suggérer samedi que le gouvernement fédéral plaçait de grandes quantités du médicament antipaludique hydroxychloroquine dans son stock stratégique national, parlant avec optimisme de son potentiel à traiter les patients atteints de coronavirus et disant qu'il envisagerait de le prendre lui-même si nécessaire.

Mais seuls des rapports anecdotiques et un petit essai clinique ont montré des avantages, et le F.D.A. n'a pas approuvé le médicament pour les traitements contre les coronavirus. En outre, un regain d'intérêt pour le médicament que le président a aidé les fans a laissé les patients qui en dépendent pour traiter les maladies chroniques se demander s'ils seront en mesure de remplir leurs ordonnances.

"Nous allons le distribuer via le Stockage stratégique national", a déclaré M. Trump lors d'une conférence de presse à la Maison Blanche, ajoutant: "Nous en avons des millions et des millions de doses."

Le département américain de la Santé et des Services sociaux a reçu le mois dernier 30 millions de doses de sulfate d'hydroxychloroquine de Sandoz, une division de Novartis, une société pharmaceutique basée en Suisse, pour une utilisation dans des essais cliniques et potentiellement pour traiter des patients atteints de coronavirus.

Des rapports antérieurs de la Chine et de la France selon lesquels l'hydroxychloroquine semblait aider les patients, ainsi que des commentaires enthousiastes de M. Trump, ont créé un buzz autour du médicament et de la chloroquine étroitement apparentée, utilisée depuis des décennies pour traiter les maladies auto-immunes comme le lupus et la polyarthrite rhumatoïde . La poussée subséquente de la demande a conduit à la thésaurisation et à des pénuries.

Thursday 22 November 2018

Three reasons you need to buy an expensive watch

It is safe to say that you are thinking that its hard to legitimize spending a lot of cash on another watch? Regardless of whether you've been setting something aside for a considerable length of time, or you're a rash individual with a major reward, burning through thousands on a timepiece is a genuine choice.

We're here to expel such blame, and told you spending genuine measures of money on a watch is absolutely justified, despite all the trouble.

Perhaps you're experiencing difficulty convincing a huge other to give you a chance to get that chalice watch? It's constantly dubious. The vast majority will state you are distraught, at that point instantly list every one of the things you could purchase rather; a PC, a fantasy occasion, a vehicle, possibly a house store...

Be that as it may, you shouldn't give their response a chance to put you off purchasing that fantasy timepiece.

On the off chance that you extremely should account for yourself (or maybe you require pushing over the line to make the huge buy), here are some convincing motivations to slap down your charge card without recoiling.

1. You have lusted over it

There's no damage in purchasing a costly watch (accepting you can really manage the cost of it, obviously) absolutely in light of the fact that you need it. You may have seen it in the diamond setter's window on your meal break walk and yearned for it from that point onward; one day challenged yourself to go and give it a shot, helpfully leaving the Mastercard at the workplace.

You see the watch promoted in each magazine, in a T3 article, and everywhere on your calculation bolstered Instagram feed. So you at last buckle and get it. Presently appreciate it – life's too short for purchaser's regret when cash is spent on something you have yearned for a considerable length of time, months, or even years. 

2. It is a thing of beauty

Individuals burn through a large number of pounds on bits of craftsmanship, which fill no need than to be excellent – so what's the matter with spending huge cash on a watch, which is both lovely and helpful?

Indeed, any shabby Casio can tell the time, yet an expensive Swiss number attracts your eye with its jumper's bezel, uncovered crown, gleaming dial, perplexing inconveniences, and supple calfskin tie. From the lists and chronograph, to the moonphase confusion, clearing hands and uncovered development, watches present loads of modest points of interest to watch and respect.

Taking a gander at a fine Swiss watch is about much more than simply checking the time.

3. It commemorates a special occasion

Regardless of whether it's your wedding, the introduction of a kid, or another imperative day, an uncommon watch can help check the event - you could even have the date and a message engraved on the back of the case.

That way at whatever point you look down at the time, you'll be helped to remember that exceptional day - and what's more, the watch will turn into a loved family treasure to go starting with one age then onto the next. When it has gone from parent to kid and in the end grandkid, the high at first expense will without a doubt turn into a far off and insignificant memory.

It's no big surprise Patek Philippe discusses not owning its ultra-costly watches, but rather only care for them for the people to come.

Dual SIM Support in iPhone Is Coming to Verizon this December

Apple's newly propelled iPhone XR and iPhone XS lines have equipment bolster for double SIM setups, yet the rollout of the element has been somewhat postponed (or on account of AT&T, moved back) because of issues with bearers that have not been completely dealt with yet. Verizon, in any case, is apparently anticipating supporting the component by one month from now.

In an inner Verizon reminder acquired by 9to5Mac, the organization advised representatives it plans to have double SIM enactments for eSIM and physical SIMs prepared to pass by early December:

At present, the iPhone does not bolster fast Verizon benefit when utilized in a Dual SIM arrangement, dropping down to the 2G CDMA organize instead of LTE. This was particularly risky in specific geologies where Verizon has changed to offering LTE-just inclusion.

Because of these confinements, Verizon said it would not be actuating administration on any eSIM nor authoritatively bolster Dual SIM enactments.

At the dispatch a month ago, Verizon said they trusted the product impediments would be settled rapidly with Apple's participation. This most recent reminder shows that it will adhere to its guarantee and convey eSIM and Dual SIM to iPhone XS and iPhone XR clients before the year's end.
Note that the telephones just help one eSIM and one physical SIM card space outside of China, implying that no less than one of the lines should go through the eSIM opening.

9to5Mac noticed that the anticipated early December date is probably going to allude to the arrival of iOS 12.1.1, when a product refresh to make the double SIM highlight play all the more pleasantly with U.S. portable systems might be taken off close by different highlights. In any case, the element could likewise stream out a little bit at a time by means of bearer particular updates; per the Verge, AT&T and T-Mobile are as yet dealing with bugs with an indistinct time period for a goals.

On the off chance that you consider utilizing two SIM cards for anything besides heading out to a remote nation to some degree new, study information indicates you're most likely not the only one. As VentureBeat noted, few U.S. clients utilize double SIM arrangements, however it is more typical in Asia and Europe, where numerous individuals utilize two SIM cards to flip among work and telephone lines and national or universal transporters. Absence of help for double SIMs was viewed as a hindrance to extending pieces of the pie in a few locales, and VentureBeat detailed not long ago that double SIM bolster had been under thought as a China-restrictive element.

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Ways to avoid the coming cloud integration trouble

The need on-premises frameworks converse with open cloud frameworks is getting to be basic. Be that as it may, so few undertakings are readied.

You are attempting to get a finish of-quarter report out and you're having some inconvenience. It appears that while deals are recorded on an open cloud framework, stock is recorded on an on-premises framework. You have to consolidate the two information stores for the report, and you have no chance to get of doing as such. How was this permitted to occur? 

The truth is that all inheritance frameworks and information can't relocate to people in general cloud, so those on-premises frameworks need to coordinate with the information on the general population cloud frameworks to work. While this was a known issue in 2011 when we began on the cloud venture, in 2018 numerous associations still have still not gotten around to fathoming it.

Ventures normally don't consider information, process, and administration mix until there is a strategic need. That being said, they regularly get around the issues by pulling together a no fuss arrangement, which commonly includes FTP, a record drop, or even Federal Express. 

The consequence of this is a great deal of combination between the cloud and on-premises frameworks stays fixed, be it information joining, process reconciliation, or administration coordination. This will end up being an emergency in 2019 for some ventures, since they can spend the whole year, or progressively, simply pulling together joining answer for their open cloud frameworks—which they currently rely upon for some mission-basic procedures. 

To maintain a strategic distance from that emergency, this is what you have to do. 

To begin with, index all information, administrations, and procedures, utilizing a type of vault to track them all.. You have to do this for all on-premises frameworks and all open cloud frameworks, and you have to do as such with the purpose of seeing the greater part of the properties so you can ensure the correct things are conversing with the correct things. 

Second, make sense of legitimately how things should be incorporated. This implies understanding at an abnormal state what information needs to stream where, and why. You will enjoy this and reprieve it down to a more crude dimension where you'll recognize the information components and server properties also. 

Third, pick the apparatuses and innovation you'll have to complete the coordination. Incidentally, endeavors over and over again go straightforwardly to this progression, however that will just guarantee that you pick the wrong apparatuses in light of the fact that you don't yet know much yet.

Obviously, there are more complexities to manage, for example, security, administration, and system, which should be made sense of too. Be that as it may, begin with the fundamentals I secured here, in light of the fact that you can't manage the complexities until you've managed the essentials.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

How to Download and Install: Xiaomi Redmi 5 MIUI Global Stable ROM Update Rollout Begins in India

Xiaomi Redmi 5 users can even download MIUI 10 update manually
Prior in the day, we revealed that the Redmi 6 Pro has begun accepting the MIUI 10 Global Stable ROM refresh, and now Xiaomi has reported that the refresh is taking off for Redmi 5 clients too. The refresh is taking off by means of OTA, yet clients can download it physically too, and Xiaomi has outfitted connections for Recovery ROM and Fastboot ROM refresh strategies. The new MIUI 10 refresh depends on Android 8.1 Oreo, and the Global Stable ROM refresh was as of late taken off for Redmi 5A clients too. 

Xiaomi has taken to its Mi India gatherings to declare that the MIUI 10 Global Stable ROM V10.1.2.0.NDAMIFI is taking off for Redmi 5 clients in India. The refresh is taking off over the air, and the changelog takes note of that the refresh brings along a full-screen motion based involvement, an all new UI, a characteristic sound framework, and furthermore brings patched up Clock, Notes, and other framework applications.

There's a possibility that the rollout is taking place in batches and it may not reach all users at once.
Keep checking the availability of MIUI 10 Global Stable update on your Redmi 5 regularly 
by going to Settings > About phone > System updates > Check for updates.
For all those who cannot wait, Xiaomi has also shared the download links. You can 
download the Recovery ROM link here and the Fastboot ROM link here. For more details
on how to install the MIUI 10 update for the Redmi 5 via Fastboot and Recovery ROMs,
you can refer to our previous guide. As always, before downloading MIUI 10
through any of the above links, ensure that your device is charged up to 80 percent to prevent 
accidental power off in between flashing process. Do also backup your smartphone, 
you can learn more about that here, as the  manual installation process wipes data. Also, ensure that you download the update under a good Wi-Fi  connection as well.

Samsung Galaxy S10 Colour Variants Revealed: 2 Drilled Holes on Display Rumoured

Samsung Galaxy S10 is rumoured to have four different colour options

While the official data is yet to make a big appearance, Samsung Galaxy S10 is currently said to make a big appearance in February one year from now with four particular shading alternatives. The following leader model of the South Korean monster is now reputed to have slope shading variations that could be identified with a portion of the four shading choices. Two of the Galaxy S10 variations is likewise said to make a big appearance with an in-show unique mark sensor. It is additionally announced that Samsung will utilize M9 show boards that will brandish diode siphoned strong state (DPSS) laser-bored openings for the selfie camera and infrared sensor. The cutting edge show boards, which will be the successor to the M8 shows included on the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy Note 9 this year, are probably going to accompany the new Infinity Display structures. 

Among different advancements, Samsung is set to bring the Galaxy S10 in Black, Green, White, and Yellow shading choices, reports SamMobile, There could likewise be some inclination shading occupations on the announced shading alternatives to coordinate the continuous pattern. Further, it is said that Samsung will offer LED Flip and Protective spreads for the Galaxy S10. 

The SamMobile report likewise specifies that there will be the SM-G973x and SM-G975x with 5.8-inch and 6.44-inch show sizes and in-show unique mark sensor. Nonetheless, it is said that the there will be a 5.8-inch show alternative conveying model number SM-G970x sans the in-show unique finger impression sensor. It could be the most second rate choice in the three Galaxy S10 variations. Also, the data coordinates a report that developed back in July, determining the nearness of a ultrasonic in-show unique finger impression sensor on two of the Galaxy S10 models. 

Aside from uncovering the data about the Galaxy S10, SamMobile makes reference to that the Galaxy F foldable cell phone that is relied upon to make a big appearance in March one year from now will come in Silver and Black shading choices. There will especially be a gadget with model number SM-F900U that will have 512GB of locally available capacity. The European and Asian variations of the Galaxy F, then again, are said to accompany show number SM-F900F and SM-F900N, individually. 

Independently, an ETNews report recommends that Samsung has favored the M9 show boards with DPSS laser-bored gaps for the Galaxy S10. It is accounted for that the new presentation boards will accompany one as well as two gaps where one will be accessible for the forward looking, selfie camera, the other one will be accommodated the infrared sensor. This is not normal for the first Infinity O show structure that Samsung exhibited at its yearly engineer gathering not long ago that had a solitary opening for the selfie camera. Strikingly, the organization likewise as of late prodded the Galaxy A8s with a solitary showcase opening structure for the selfie camera. 

Samsung is said to utilize SFA, Phil Optics, and Wonik IPS' laser hardware to bore the gaps on the showcase boards. The organization is additionally ventured to run with an elective methodology after some time as it's not apparently completely happy with the consequences of the DPSS. 

TheElec reports that Samsung Display is inside calling the showcase gap innovation "Opening in Active Area". Utilizing a laser drawing or boring procedure, the showcase boards will accompany gaps for the related segments. A choice to shroud the gaps essentially through empowering dark boards on the showcase is probably going to be accessible. This could be like how some Android cell phones have offered the capacity to shroud their showcase scores. 

The M9 OLED show boards that will be the successor to the current M8 shows are said to use red, green, and blue host hues from Dow Chemical, Nippon, Samsung, and SFC, separately. Further, Duksan Neolux, Merck and Idemitsu Kosan are accounted for to give the red, green, and blue prime layers for the new boards. The ETNews report has additionally made reference to the three presentation sizes of the Galaxy S10 and uncovered that the generation of the showcase boards has just been begun. Moreover, it is said that the base model with 5.8-inch will accompany a level presentation, while the other 5.8-inch demonstrate and in addition the best end, 6.2-inch model will accompany bended boards.