Thursday 7 May 2015

Donation On Children Education

Donation On Children Education

What is Donation: 

Donation is a Gift which is given by Legal Person or legal Person or organization. The Donation may be in many Forms like Money, Cash, Goods and Services, Food, Clothing and Vehicles. Rich and Developed People make Donation on the Education, Food, Cloths and Money to the needy people. There is also one type of Health Donation interdicted. But is this article we shell Discuses on the " Make A donation on Children Education".
In the Developed Countries many Governments and Rich people making donation on Education. this is most important factor for the needy people. They make Funding for the Children Education. The Poor Children are needing for Education and health donation. In the USA and UK governments are giving special Attention to the Free education. they are Providing many Free schools for poor children for the Charity Proposes.  Same like there are many Trusts and NGOs are working for Free Poor Children Education. Same like Save The Children in the World Working for batter and Improvement for Children and In The India K. C. Mahindra Education Trust working for Children Education. 

Free Children Education Programs:

There are many NGOs and Trust are working for the improvement of Children Education this leads to improve the living stander of Children. In the USA The Government announcing many Free Education Programs for Worldwide. In the 2008 USA give Biggest fund for the Education Donation 3.6$ Billion which biggest record in the world. In the USA many Free Education Centers are Avail for Free education, These Free education centers are Spreading all over the World. In The Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal there are many free schools for the Children Education which are providing by the Donation of USA. Currently The Earth Quick happen is Nepal. Nepal faces a biggest harm The Government of USA, UK, Saodia Arab UAE Help them make a Bigger donation in form of Cash, Security, Food and shelter. 
Body Donor Program is one of Famous Program which is helping and making Donation for Children Education they Collect Donation in form of Money, Cash, Good from Rich persons and countries then they spent Donation revenues on the children Education, Children Health and Children Improvement. 
Same Like World famous Pakistani girl Malala Yousf Zai won the Nobel Peace Price. She was fighted for the Children and female Education rights. Now Malala Yousf Zai is running a NGO with help of United State which Organization Purpose " To Rights Of Children Education". 


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